Unexpected Everest
Finn's Journey

<img width="124" src="http://a1612.g.akamaitech.net/7/1612/34/b6ac2d967733f8/www.discovery.com/exp/mteverest/gallery/m_getflash.jpg" alt="Get Flash" height="124" usemap="#m_getflash" border="0">

Welcome to Our Live Climb of Everest
Follow the story with video, audio, pictures and stories sent back from our climber/correspondent, Finn Olaf-Jones, from the mountainside in Nepal. Follow the ongoing story at "Finn's Journey."

And take a virtual multimedia tour of the mythical Everest at "Tour the Mountain." You'll need the Flash 4 plug-in to "Tour the Mountain." If you don't have the plug-in, get it here.



Tour the Mountain